Studio solves the specific Website
commercial tasks in your area.
For over 6 years we have been creating websites, consulting in the field of web services and support for various projects.
At this point in the studio of more than 120 permanent clients, among which there are both physical persons and large firms. The collective of the company - a group of professionals, well prepared for the solution to any task in the web-sphere. Why do we always provide the newest solutions? Web-site is necessary for the dynamic development of any company. Creating the site you get first great advertising of your activities. The presence of your site in the Internet, gives great opportunities for advertising of goods and services with most lower costs and a much larger audience than in other mass whether newspapers, magazines ... Even television. But with all this many leaders, especially small companies and never resolved in creation of your own site convincing myself that it is not effective and need a large maintenance costs.
High reliability
Since 2010 the studio launched a new package "Corporate Site", which allows to receive ample financial guarantees project success. Working rules are simple: if you do not like the result, we begin 80% of sum insured. Professional manufacturer, servicing and advertising Internet-resource, we can easily take upon itself. But if you decide to manage the site with this, too, experience any problems with this task will cope with any of the employees of the firm. Administration system we offer allows for an injection of information on the site for a few minutes. Promptly, economical, simply - are the main advantages of our system.
commissioned projects
The quality of our work
The quality of our work and responsibility - these are components of our success, and hence your. Call on us, you can be sure - our cooperation will not end after fulfillment of your project. We focus on long-term cooperation, and consider our direct obligation to engage in servicing by us resources. Bright original ideas to combine with high quality performance - that's style of our work! By creating our projects We want to make it as more beautiful and quality because of their style, we chose the following rules of All our works are unique, not formulaic - are made by professional designers with artistic education.
Satisfied customers
To solve any problem, here's what we think makes each new project of its kind unique-whether it be a large information portal or site of the manufacturer of polyethylene packets. Our main tools design is the most famous manufacturers: Adobe, Microsoft and Google. the most widely used programming language configuration-database: Perl, Javascript, CSS3, HTML5, MySQL database PHP7, as the most reliable for years to come.
For laying out configuration we try to create the most optimized, correct code pages, and we use the most advanced technologies5 HTML, CSS3, which allow virtually unrestricted in future to improve your site, adding new components without serious effort and investment funds. Web design studio website - Please yourself with an original design! Make a personal site work for you!
Всі скрипти (програми для інтернету) пишуться нашими програмістами під конкретне технічне завдання, тим самим виключається використання готових типових бібліотек, які в більшості випадків можна скачати в інтернет, і дуже часто приховують в собі приховані неприємні "сюрпризи", які проявляються в процесі подальшої експлуатації сайту. Саме тому Компанія “Вебсайт” надає повний спектр послуг по створенню сайтів від початку і до кінця, та необхідну для користувачів підтримку і обслуговування бізнес сайтів в мережі Інтернет.